Ring in the New Year with a Great New Insite
Here comes the surprise …
This is a famous image picturing this famous saying
“There is always more than meets the eye.”

In one small rectangle, it provides a valued key to successful parenting.It is the “iceberg” on the “cake” of communication.
Parenting Lesson:
“Thoughts, feelings” and “past experiences” on the inside
Make a big difference to what is actually happening on the outside:
Actions we take, things we say,” and our “body language” too.
Time to have some fun with this one.
Mother: “Tomorrow is Elena’s birthday. Go put out your beautiful pink dress with white lace.”
Child: “No way. I don’t want to go to Elena’s party. She is never nice to me at school.”
Mother: “That’s not true. She likes you a lot. Her mother told me she loves when you come over to play.”
Child: “Yea right. She never wants to come to my house.”
Mother: “I know that Alexandra and Dana are going, and they love playing with you. I also know that they are playing TWISTER, and you are terrific at that.”
Child: “Her brother Jonah is always mean to me. One time he hid my backpack when I needed it.”
Mother: “Hmm. Come with me. I have an idea.”
Hint: Whenever your good sound advice seems to go awry, STOP. That is your clue that “there is more than meets the eye.”
Put on your detective hat.
Take your glasses too.
Here now is your magnifying glass of communication.
Listen for 70% of the time and speak for 30%.
Look here at the letters when they are out straight.
The message is clear now with no time to wait.
Your eyes are for contact. Be sure that you try
To bend when you need to and never stay high.
Do not be the leader for that’s not your part.
Your child’s the person to make the first start.
Discover what’s up now with no big to-do.
You need to find out what is right or not true.
“What else,” you say often, “Go on.” “Tell me more.”
Let kindness come through in your big open door.And once you have learned what has happened for real,
It’s then only then can you solve the ordeal.
The end is the best part that won’t take too long.
You show that you know what exactly went wrong.
Mother: “The lace, yes the lace, it’s all stained and a mess!”
Child: “Oh Mother, I’m sorry I ruined the dress!”
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It’s great what you went through and all you did say.
You helped your dear daughter in just the right way.
What’s best is the ending you made when all done.
She went to the party and really had fun!
Not easy to do this to go bit by bit.
So few of all parents know any of it.
Keep that iceberg up front at all times!
Always have your detective hat and magnifying glass with you.
You actually have a close team of supporters to help.
* First are the members of your family—siblings and grandparents
* Next are your child’s aunts, uncles, and cousins
* Last are family friends like neighbors, teachers and caregiversThis close network forms a solid base of love. They are all important
all the time but especially during the first three foundations years— a
major time to build high quality strength. All the different personalities
in your family form a training ground for all the people your child is
soon to meet. Your full supply of supporters build a lasting
confidence that is the absolute best prevention for later addictions,
violence, depression and suicide! Relationship strength started
early grows stronger from there. It has a power that can last a lifetime.
right here!
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