WAITLIST APPLICATIONS ONLY: Please read the following before beginning your application process. Applications are closed for jury process.
Festival Dates:
Fountain Festival is a rain or shine event.
November 8-10, 2024
February 21-23, 2025
Festival Features:
✓RV Parking / Dry-Camping Available
✓Juried Art Show
✓Artist Reception Dinner
✓Extensive Advertising & Promotion
✓Participating FH Chamber Artists Members Featured on Social Media
✓Participating Artist Directory on Website and Community App
✓Professional Security with Overnight Staff
Festival Times:
Friday & Saturday: 10am-5pm
Sunday: 10am-4pm
Festival Location:
Downtown Fountain Hills
Avenue of the Fountains & Saguaro Blvd
Application Window:
Fall Festival May 1st - July 31st
Spring Festival September-November 30th
Summary of Requirements:
Artists in both fine art and craft disciplines are invited to apply. Please review the Exhibition Standards to help determine the eligibility of your specific artwork.
FH Artist Members in good standing (already juried and compliant in past show) will be invited to directly confirm their participation.
New artists or any notified for re-submission are required to pay the jury fee and complete their application in full by the application deadline.
If an artist shows in more than one category of artwork, one application must be completed for each category. Each booth must obtain at least 70% of the accepted artwork as approved by the jury.
Artists must submit at least 5 photos including an "artist at work" photo and a "full booth presentation" photo.
Only artists invited by the jury will receive access to register for the festival.
Please see "Artist & Vendor Information" to review all Exhibition Standards and Rules & Regulations before applying.
(this timeline is subject to change)
May 1 Online application opens for Fall Festival
May 1 Online confirmation begins for members in good standing.
July 31 Online application deadline
August 1 Jury meets throughout week
August 15 Jury results are emailed
September 15 All fees are due to confirm participation
September 16 Priority booth placement begins
October 7 Festival Essentials communication series begins
November 6 Artist RV parking lot opens
November 6 Artist Check In begins online
November 7 Set up begins
November 8 Booth evaluations begin at 9am
November 10 Show ends at 4pm
November 10 Take down begins when announced safe to proceed
Jury Meets:
August 1st - August 10th
December 1st - December 15th
Invitations to follow
FH Chamber Artist Members*:
$225/Year Artist Membership
Free Jury Fee
$500 10x10 booth
$1000 20x10 booth
$20 Electricity (offered Rows B, C & E)
✓Hassle-free registration and priority registration
✓Increased visibility with enhanced listings on our website and community app year-round
✓Priority consideration for booth placement
*these benefits are offered to FH Chamber members in good standing. Active Artist Members notified as noncompliant will be required to re-submit application to jury. Upon jury acceptance may regain member benefits.
Non-Member Artists:
$35 Jury Fee (nonrefundable)
$725 10x10 booth
$1225 20x10 booth
$20 Electricity (offered in A,B,E)
✓Must provided complete application
✓Must be extended an invitation from the jury
✓Basic listing provided during the festival only
✓Space requests will be considered after priority placement is complete
For Questions contact:
Mary Davisson
16837 East Palisades Blvd
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Permitted Age of Artists - All participants must be 18 years or older.
Exhibition Standards:
- Artist Must Be Present - The applicant must be present at their booth during the whole of the event. The Fountain Festival offers “Purple People” booth sitters who can cover artist booths for bathroom, lunch, etc. breaks, however, representatives may attend with the artist but not in place of the artist. This is intended to give our audience an opportunity to engage with the artists themselves, which creates a greater connection to the works.
- All Work Must Be Original - All work - in every category - must be the original work produced by the applying artist. The essential work required to complete a finished piece must be done by the applying artist.
- No "buy/sell," mass-produced component assembly, or other art that is not personally created and produced by the applying artist is permitted. Work which has been produced with commercially-acquired kits, molds, patterns, plans, prefabricated forms or other commercial methods is not permitted. If the artwork is AI created, the AI program has to have been designed/coded by the artist. The Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts has the right to investigate the origins of all artwork presented. If any artwork is found to be not original of the applicant's creation, the Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts has the right to refuse participation.
- A mass-produced, cluttered, or commercial appearance to an artist display is not permitted. If the display presents an overwhelming number of multiples resulting in a commercial appearance, as determined by the Festival evaluators, on-site adjustments will be requested and compliance will be required. Any FH Artist members with noncompliant displays, determined by the Festival evaluators, will be notified and required to re-submit an application for jury acceptance for future participation.
- The artwork exhibited by the artist must match the quality and balance of the images submitted and accepted by the festival jury. No more than 30% of the artwork exhibited during the festival shall be artwork otherwise not shown in the photos submitted with their application. Artwork exhibited must be the same artwork submitted in the images of the artist's application.
- All collaborators must be listed in the artist application. By signing this application, each artist attests that they have direct involvement and collective effort in the creation of the artwork shown in the application. If accepted, artists understand that only work created by the artists and the collaborators listed will be permitted in their booth.
- Artists are responsible for accurately categorizing their work in their application. If you are applying for more than one category, you may submit separate applications and exhibit seperately. Please note that 70% or more of each booth must include the same category of artwork. Artists will receive a single invitation to include each application with the understanding that a secondary booth will be required for additional categories if the items will be equally displayed. If an artist has not been juried in for additional categories but displays other art categories in their booth, the Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts will require that any items outside of the original accepted category be removed.
Fountain Hills Chamber Artist Membership:
As a member organization, the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce is delighted to invite artists to be a part of our Chamber family. Chamber Artist members have exclusive pricing and benefits. We encourage all artists applying to consider becoming a member of the FH Chamber of Commerce upon acceptance of the jury. Applying for membership prior to the jury is not a guarantee that you will be invited to participate. All FH Chamber artist members will receive full benefits while in good standing. Good standing requires an invitation to attend by the Festival jury, all membership and festival fees paid timely and compliant exhibitions during festivals. All accepted artists for the Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts will be invited to become an artist member of the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce. FH Artist members are provided hassle-free application for future festivals, member pricing, enhanced profiles on the chamber website and the Fountain Hills community app offered year-round, priority booth placement consideration, featured media opportunities and more.
The Artist membership is an annual fee of $225 per year and will be for a full year (example: if you pay in June 2023, your membership will not be due again until June 2024!). In order to receive full benefits year-round, your membership must be "active" during the festival you wish to participate in. The annual Artist membership is good for two shows a year.
Rules & Regulations:
- Artists, Vendors & Exhibitors must comply with all local ordinances, regulations and rules. Including but not limited to:
- Arizona Tax Information:
- State of Arizona “Transaction Privilege Tax License Number”: please have it available at the event. To apply for a State of AZ Transaction Privilege Tax License, call AZ State License Compliance Office using 602-255-3381 or visit https://azdor.gov/transaction-privilege-tax/tpt-license/applying-tpt-license
- To renew an AZ TPT license visit https://azdor.gov/transaction-privilege-tax/tpt-license/renewing-tpt-license
- Fountain Hills Business License:
- Learn more HERE
- If you need to confirm your business license or check the status please call 480-816-5100.
- Town of Fountain Hills sales tax is currently 9.2% (updated March 2024)
- Booth spaces may not be transferred, reassigned or determined by the artist/vendor. Please see Chamber staff for any concerns or questions regarding your booth placement. Chamber staff can be found in the Chamber information tent during set up and festival hours.
- Artists must be present at the festival. Purple People booth sitters are available and can be contacted on the phone number provided on the back of your booth sign.
- In case of emergencies, please notify Chamber staff, otherwise all artists/exhibitors/vendors must have their tent open during festival hours.
- Artists are provided a free reserved parking area for trailers, RVs, and trucks beginning Wednesday before the show. It is first come, first serve and located 2 blocks from the festival. No amenities are provided. This is the only reserved parking for overnight artists RVs or trainers, provided by the FH Chamber for our artists' convenience.
- Artists are not permitted to park in local business customer parking, handicap reserved parking, or dirt lots, these are private property and are not permitted for festival use.
- We have a zero-tolerance policy towards rude, obscene, or abusive language, as well as any threatening behavior or contact directed towards fellow artists, vendors, exhibitors, staff, board members, security personnel, or the general public. Any words or actions deemed unbecoming will result in immediate removal or potential future banning from participation, as determined by the Chamber board and staff.
- Booth structure and display may not exceed the space assigned (11x14 per 10x10 booth). No part of your presentation shall block, obstruct or interfere or present a potential hazard for your neighbors and guests. We encourage artists to utilize white, commercial quality tents for presentation and safety of your artwork and others.
- Booths shall only display the artwork of artists and collaborators approved and invited by the jury. Festival evaluators will be reviewing booth displays to ensure compliance.
- All storage must be neatly concealed within the space allotted (11x14). The extra 4 foot from the 10x10 tent shall be utilized towards the back of your tent for organized and hazard-free storage. No storage may be on grass, sprinklers, sidewalks, curbs, landscaping or other Town property. The space allotted is available for your use from the curb onto the street. Please see Chamber staff at the Chamber Information booth if you have questions or need assistance identifying your space.
- Large signs or banners advertising sales or markdowns will not be accepted.
- Leave No Trace - all artists/vendors/exhibitors are responsible for properly disposing of their trash, grease, or any elements from their booth, RV sites and parking areas. Festival approved dumpsters are identified on the artist traffic map provided.
- Demonstrations are encouraged and must stay within the space allocated in your assigned booth.
- All tents must have weights on every side. We recommend at least 50lbs. In order to prepare for weather we recommend artwork and display items be secured as well at all times. The Town of Fountain Hills may fine $200 for booths not weighted appropriately.
- Hawking is not permitted on the festival grounds as shown on the festival map. This includes parking lots, streets and parks within the permitted festival area. Hawking is , an act of aggressively promoting or selling goods or services, at our event outside of your permitted booth or vendor space.
- For our artists and vendors' success and everyone’s enjoyment of the Fountain Festival, Free Speech Zones are available outside of the festival perimeter for anyone who does not have booth space provided within the festival (this includes political candidates adn clubs, voter registration volunteers, etc). The free speech zones are identified by the Town of Fountain Hills on their website.
- It is the responsibility of the artist to secure a TPT tax license in Arizona as well as a Fountain Hills Business License, to collect tax during the event, and to remit taxes. Information for obtaining these licenses will be provided to invited artists. If a TPT license and Fountain Hills Business License are not acquired by the day of the event, artists will not be permitted to set up and are at risk of not being permitted to attend future events.
- Rain or Shine Event - The Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts is a rain or shine event. All participants are encouraged to plan ahead for all weather.
- No refunds will be provided for any chamber or festival fees.
Liability Disclaimer:
The following Liability Disclaimer is required for applicants to accept prior to applying.
"Applicants and Artist members must comply with all Festival, municipal and state rules, regulations and policies. It is the artists’ responsibility to familiarize themselves with any applicable rules, laws, or regulations. Any noncompliance will cause elimination and the artist may be immediately removed from the Festival with no refund of fees or compensation for expenditures. Noncompliant artists may also be barred from acceptance to future Fountain Festival events. The Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts, in their sole discretion, may reserve the right to refuse participation by any applicant, entertainer, food vendor of any other such participant for any reason. The Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce is not liable for refunds or any other liabilities whatsoever for applicant's failure to obey the rules and regulations or due to the unstable condition of the area in which the Festival is produced, caused by, but not limited to, weather, fire or other calamity, any act of nature, public enemy, strikes, statutes, ordinances of any legal authority or any other cause beyond the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce control. By engaging in participation, all applicants/artists release and hold harmless the Fountain Festival of Fine Arts & Crafts, Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce, Town of Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, the State of Arizona, and all event sponsors from any and all liability, as outlined in the rules and regulations."