Fountain Hills Chamber Foundation PROJECTS BLOG

Digital Kiosks in Fountain Hills

By Betsy LaVoie | May 21, 2022

The Fountain Hills Chamber Foundation is thrilled to share the first funding effort for the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce is a new digital kiosk project. The FHChamber Foundation is in the process of securing grant funding to support the installation of 2 digital kiosks in Fountain Hills to support local businesses, local events and more. With permission and collaboration from the Town of Fountain Hills, the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce plans to install one tri-view digital kiosk on Town property at the Avenue of the Fountains or at Fountain Park or similar location for residents and visitors. The second tri-view digital kiosk will be installed on Chamber of Commerce property to support 24/7 Visitor’s Center information. Both digital kiosks will have a shade structure to increase viewing during weather (rain, glaring sun etc).

This photo is an example of the type of digital kiosk proposed, actual kiosk has yet to be finalized.

(480) 837-1654  |  16837 E. Palisades Blvd. Fountain Hills, AZ 85268  |  [email protected]