Reserve a Board Room

All 3 Board Rooms are included in your Membership benefits!  All 3 board rooms have an exterior entrance with 2 of the 3 board rooms on main level.  To utilize the exterior entrance for Fountain Board room, stairs are required.  Elevator is available through the lobby entrance.
Members, log in to your Chamber Member portal, on the left side there is a "Scheduling" tab, expand the tab to schedule your preferred room, date and time.
Investor Board Room, located on the first floor, seats 14-20 (you may configure room to your liking)
Ambassador Board Room, located on second story, seats 20-40 (18 around conference table with additional seating around perimeter)
Please note, the Chamber hours are 8 am - 4 pm Monday through Friday excluding Federal Holidays.  You are able to schedule outside of the operating hours and will receive instructions for entry.